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November 2022 - Membership Meeting Minutes

American Legion Post 189 Webmaster

The latest membership meeting minutes from November 7th, 2022.

Nov 7th, 2022 Legion Membership Meeting

7:00pm: The monthly meeting was called to order by Commander Hamburgur with 27 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance, placing of the POW-MIA Flag on the empty chair and the Preamble of the American Legion Conducted.

Roll Call of Officers: All present and or accounted for.

Minutes from the Oct meeting were read and placed on file.

Minutes from the Oct Board meeting read and placed on file.

Adjutant Kirk Grill reported in the absence of Finance Officer Roger Herbert reported total assets at $73,352.69. The itemized report is attached to these minutes.

Sick Call: Chaplin Ward Genz sent sympathy cards to the families of Robert Kidrick and Daniel Stark

Firing Squad/Color Guard report: Firing Squad Commander Steve Gillis reported via email assets were at $9,449.98. Report attached to these minutes.

Bar/House report: Kirk Grill reports assets at $1,704.94. Report attached to these minutes.

Membership: Dave Schoechert reported that we are at 67.7%, we have 252 paid members of the 372 goal.

Commander Bob Hamburgur said Ken Wzorek has resinded his resignation for 2nd Vice Commander, Ron Krueger has said Silver Eagle won’t have a luncheon after the Veterans Day ceremony. Jerry Groehler has talked to all the schools in the area and there are no candidates for the Oratorical, the display of our memorabilia in the garage is almost done, it looks great.

Judge Advocate: Tom Brennecke reported that he and his wife Liz will again be in charge of the selling of the $50 Birthday Banquet raffle tickets, they should have them soon to hand out.

Communications: We received a Thank You card from the Watertown Senior & Community center; a Thank You card from the R.O.C. for sponsoring a hole at their golf outing. We also got the registration form for the State Legion Midwinter Conference to be held Jan 12th-15th in Green Bay at the Radisson Hotel & Conference center see Roger Herbert if you are interested in going.

In House Raffle: Gary Brashers, Rich Held, Jim Oldenhoff and Bob McCabe.

Baseball Raffle: #225 Ray Miller

Adjourned: 7:35pm

Respectfully Submitted:

Kirk Grill Adjutant

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