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December 2022 - Membership Meeting Minutes

American Legion Post 189 Webmaster

The latest membership meeting minutes from December 5th, 2022.

Dec 5thth, 2022 Legion Membership Meeting

7:00pm: The monthly meeting was called to order by Commander Hamburgur with 26 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance, placing of the POW-MIA Flag on the empty chair and the Preamble of the American Legion Conducted.

Roll Call of Officers: All present and or accounted for.

Minutes from the Nov meeting were read and placed on file.

Minutes from the Nov Board meeting read and placed on file.

Finance Officer Roger Herbert reported total assets at $75,315.93. The itemized report is attached to these minutes. He also said we got a check for $70.07 from the Auxiliary from the tips of their brat fry, he also talked to Dan Stratman and sent out the fees for the Badger Boys State and Dan will contact the other groups to get their portions.

Sick Call: Chaplin Ward Genz had no report

Firing Squad/Color Guard report: From the Finance report assets were at $9,456.29. Report attached to these minutes.

Bar/House report: Kirk Grill reports assets at $1,706.94. Report attached to these minutes.

Membership: Kristie Krussube reported that we are at 75.0%, we have 279 paid members of the 372 goal. It was brought up about hardship due payments by the Post, this will be talked about at the Dec Executive Board meeting.

Commander Bob Hamburgur said the Birthday Banquet tickets are in, they’ll be for sale at the Post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, cost is $30 the Banquet will be at Lindberg’s on Saturday March 11th. Kirk Grill will send out an email about this.

1st Vice Commander Steve Zillmer presented information on the change to the banquet location, he said as of Nov 11th this year all veterans are eligible to get free passes to all National Parks, Jerry Groehler said he did it and it was very easy, Kirk Grill will send out an email with the link. He’s also helping with getting some more sponsors for our newsletter, he’ll get the information to Wepco when all is set. He’s looking into ways to help our S.A.L squadron.

Judge Advocate: Tom Brennecke reported that he has the $50 Birthday Banquet raffle tickets, if you would like some to sell see him. He also said that on Dec 18th there will be a Wreaths Across America program at Oakhill cemetery, wreaths will be placed on the graves of Veterans, he believes the time is around 10am.

Historian Ron Kruger thanked all that helped with the Veterans Day program, he also asked everyone to consider helping with the Veterans Council as they are in need of more members to help with city Memorial and Veterans Day activities.

Blue Banner/Scholarships: Jerry Groehler said he’s about to get some banners to hand out and he’s going to be getting with Ken Wzorek about scholarship material.

Old Business: Roger Herbert asked about setting a date to call delinquent due members, after discussion it was set for Monday Dec 12th 1pm at the Post.

Communications: We received a Thank You letter from Rainbow Hospice for our hole sponsorship at their golf outing, a thank you card Ralph Grady for the honor quilt that he received and a thank you card from John Erl for his honor flight trip.

Good of the Legion: Larry reminded everyone to look at your $1 for the ALF in the serial number and donate them to the Post.

In House Raffle: Dave Schoechert, Doug Clemmons, Tom Brennecke and Bob Hamburgur.

Baseball Raffle: #223 Ron Kruger

Adjourned: 7:44pm

Respectfully Submitted:

Kirk Grill Adjutant

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